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  • Writer's pictureStamp 3 Association

Welcome change grants real right to work for critical skills spouses

The Stamp 3 Association welcomes today’s news which will grant spouses and partners of Critical Skills Employment Permit holders simpler access to work. Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation, Heather Humphreys, TD, made the announcement following a campaign to reform Stamp 3 by the Stamp 3 Association, which consistently outlined the problems they faced and the solutions needed to end the stalemate.

Nahla Bastawi, Stamp 3 Association, said, “We’re delighted by today’s announcement from Minister Humphreys that from 1 April, spouses of those coming to Ireland with a Critical Skills Employment Permit will be eligible to apply for work as soon as they arrive in the country.”

“This is huge step forward, as for many months and years we have been battling a bureaucratic labyrinth. While we had right to work on paper, due to a lack of clarity on our eligibility among recruiters and employers, plus huge delays in visa processing, this right was practically unworkable.”

“Today’s news will be a huge relief to the 1,000s of people in our situation. This development is also massively important for Irish employers, who can be confident when they employ someone with a Critical Skills Employment Permit; they are more likely to stay if their spouse has an avenue to work and independence.”

Ankita Ahluwalia, Stamp 3 Association, said, “The Stamp 3 Association was formed last year when a group of people in a similar situation got to the end of their tether and formed an association. We were overwhelmed by the support we found. Our petition gathered over 6,700 signatures. We had set up a support group, website and prepared a policy paper outlining the problems and solutions to this ongoing headache.”

“So many of us felt that if we had known the barriers we would face, we probably would not have come to Ireland. Today’s decision is a win-win both for those of us seeking to work and Irish society, as we will be contributing and paying taxes instead of languishing outside the workforce.”

“However we are very concerned this avenue is not open to spouses of General Skills Permit holders. We will continue to call for fair access to employment for all holders of spousal Stamp 3 permits.”


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