Last week, several members of our group attended the Migrant Expo and Job Fair hosted by New Communities Partnership and Business in the Community Ireland. It was a wonderful chance to meet our fellow Stamp 3 holders as well as the people who can really make a difference.
Among those at the expo were dozens of hiring managers from large firms and small Irish businesses. This was a chance to meet with the men and women who can be allies or a hindrance when a Stamp 3 visa holder applies for a job.
Co-founder of the Stamp 3 Association Ankita Ahluwalia visited recruiters booths from several companies, including Accenture, explaining the challenges spouses and partners face when they move to Ireland.
The event was aimed at helping Ireland's growing immigrant community integrate into society easier. While many businesses were looking to hire qualified workers, several groups like the Stamp 3 Association focused on reaching out to migrants with education and advocacy opportunities.
Minister of State for Equality, Immigration and Integration David Stanton, TD, opened the event with a strong endorsement for migrant workers.
“I’m always delighted to come to events like this to support diversity that migrants bring to Ireland and to highlight the benefits of diversity,” he told the crowd."
“There’s a fantastic energy in the room. People want to get jobs. They want to do courses. They want to work. There are employers who have jobs, who want to put people on courses, and want to put people to work. It’s a marriage made in heaven.”
Minister Stanton briefly stopped by the Stamp 3 Association’s booth where he acknowledged that he knew about the work we are doing. The team took the opportunity to hand our policy proposal to his aide. This is a great step toward a deeper dialogue on the issue.
Perhaps the most rewarding moments at the expo came from the times we got to talk with those who know the challenges of Stamp 3 limitations all too well. Several women and men came by to share their support, all Stamp 3 visa holders themselves. Others said they weren’t aware of our efforts to improve the work permitting process, but now they are. A few men stopped by and mentioned their wives were in the same position that so many of us were. A few people even signed our petition right at the event!
All told, it was a wonderful opportunity to get our message out to the broader community. We are incredibly grateful that New Communities Partnership and Business in the Community Ireland invited us to take part. Expect more outreach events going forward.